Saturday 24 July 2021

Das was war ...

Sie gedeiht in meiner Macht

gibt sich hin in voller Pracht

aus dem 'zwei' wird herrlich 'eins'

und der Trottel denkt nun 'meins'.

Doch der Weg, den bleibt bekannt

Und selbst bei lediglich Hand in Hand

Sind jegliche Form und Hülle

Nur ein 'steh-im-Weg' für Fülle

Denn was in uns war und ruht

pocht mit unbeschränkter Glut

das Hoch von Oben bis es zerbroch

das eins war zwei; was red' ich doch ...

Hail Warrior Princess

The Safe and far away Dark Lord

hails that Maiden, whose lure

is equally great and pure

Not lost in poetry as romanticism requires

but words as vehicles

to denote dark desires

Being at cross-roads, tired of facades

release of the shackles, walk a new path

and get captured again -

over and over again ...

Words, fear of control, need for shelter, shackles

these all are limits, that define

one goes, the other comes

Panta rei, but we remain

Friday 23 July 2021

Triath nan Eilean

Als ze zwemt in de vijver van liefde

In water zo oud als eeuwen

Dan kijkt ze naar de reflecties aan het oppervlak


Het zijdezachte nat, glijdt liefelijk langs haar lijf

En ze voelt dat elke laag haar aanraakt

De bovenste is nu, en de diepere laag was toen


Vandaag schijnt de zon van de 21e eeuw op het water

En klopt het haar hart voor kinderen, sprookjes en romantiek

En de duistere dieptes zijn soms wel eng


Maar het water dat haar omringt, koestert en draagt

is een vruchtbare oer-vrouwelijke macht

het heeft geduld en wacht


tot de meermeid duikt

in haar en zijn water

en weer eventjes haar Heer dient


de Heer van het water

de Heer van haar water

en al het water, dat is Hij

Friday 18 July 2014

Imagine there would be a State

by Monsignor C. Cameroni

Imagine there would be a State
surrounded by walls of silence,
that would offer asylum to wanted men
guilty of child molest and shunning justice.

At least eighteen of Germany’s 27
Roman Catholic dioceses
have been facing government investigations.
There are 2.945 dioceses worldwide.

The question is not such a State exists,
The true question is:
Do we find God in the Vatican?

Thursday 10 July 2014

Lola's delight

Lola's delight
by Sir Cameron

Bound by trust and not by ropes
Found with lust but without hope
To receive the measure of desire
The fleshy sword of Lord and Sire

Bound by trust and not by fears
Full of lust and without tears
While painfully hit and spanked
Sir’s fingers moving, Lord be thanked

Bound by trust, aside conventions
Deeply moved in all dimensions
Blissful height, her legs so weak
On Master’s strokes, the girl gets meek

Saturday 5 July 2014

My totem says:

When you look from afar, or far above; all we see is undifferentiated love. Yet, when we zoom into perspective, at the base of the collective, we shall find love in many shades; all reflecting some of the light that fell from the sky. Out of the roots of the earth we drink and nourish and we go like children, hand in hand enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Heaven and earth and we in between, and still we are part of both.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Island of joy

To be with you on Isles so grand
The sun is hot, we lay on sand
Our bodies sweating from the love
We shared until we had enough
And then the simple rain bird sings
A song of joy and rest it brings

We listen to it, open and amazed
Our eyes are closed, yet still we gaze
How does this little birdie know;
our faith and curse, our heart and soul?
It’s magic all around
Between us too, which keeps us bound.

The place of old, the place so dear
With someone warm and very near
Needing the gift that you did keep
Finding your hand while you’re asleep
Could this ever be - become
With our hidings dark and strong?

Our beliefs and our stories
Brought us pain and hardly glory
Made us hard and cold and soar
Fearsome, hurt and full of roar
But the Lion’s dreams prepare
The choice to change it – if we dare

Sir Cameron